Department of Marathi
The department of Marathi is in existence since the inception of the Institution i.e. from the year 1970, at U.G. Level. Marathi is being taught as an optional subject as well as second language. The study of Marathi Language and Literature helps to understand social and cultural heritage. It helps in building personalities of the students.
The department always strives for the improvement of the students. Various programmes are organized in applied Marathi for creative writing. The faculties motivate and inspire the students to enhance communication skills and publish articles, poems in the College magazine “Shabdashri”. Abhiruchi Wangmay Mandal ( Hindi, Marathi, Sanskrit, English Language Club is established for the students which helps to create interest in literature.
Every year 27th Feb is celebrated as Marathi Raj Bhasha Din (Day) with various activities and guest lectures to develop interest of students in Marathi Language and Literature.