Dr. Sow. Indirabai Bhaskarrao Pathak
Mahila Kala Mahavidyalaya
Principal's message

My dear Students
Heartiest Congratulation and Warm welcome to the family of M.L. & G.E.Society’s Dr.(Sow) I.B.P. Mahila Kala Mahavidyalaya, Aurangabad.
The college was established in 1970 as the first women’s institution to impart higher education in Marathwada Region. In addition to this, the intention was to impart education to girls belonging to socially and economically backward classes of the society and for girls from rural areas.

Student Council

Students council is formed according to the guidelines of Maharashtra Public University Act 2016 subsection 99. Members of student council are elected.....


The Institution was established in 1970. It is the first women’s College in the Marathawada Region which was the need of the time. The college has the land of 7 acres campus which is located in the heart of the city.



The institution is accredited B+ grade in the first cycle in 2003 and B grade in the second cycle in 2013.



The institution offers basically three programs namely B.A ,M.A (Home Sc.) B.Com & B.C.A(Mgt Sc). Various departments work successfully under these programmes.

Affilation & Certifications